

Generating Safe and Flexible Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World

At Spina Group, we take a practical approach to sustainability, aiming to reduce our environmental impact through mindful actions and adherence to best practices.

We are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our activities and delivering quality services in a responsible and eco-conscious manner.


Our Commitment

Our sustainability approach is guided by our Integrated Policy for Quality and Environment, which aligns with the principles of UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 standards.


We ensure compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and other relevant requirements.

Pollution Prevention

We prioritize pollution prevention through effective waste management strategies, including reducing the environmental impact of non-recoverable waste and promoting the responsible disposal of materials such as packaging, toner, and plastic.

Resource Efficiency

We are dedicated to the rational and sustainable use of natural resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, in all aspects of our business.

Employee Engagement

Our employees are a crucial resource in achieving our sustainability goals. We invest in ongoing training and awareness programs to empower our team to manage and control processes that contribute to our environmental objectives.

Continuos Improvement

We regularly review our processes and systems to identify new opportunities for enhancing our environmental and quality management.


We ensure compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and other relevant requirements.

Pollution Prevention

We prioritize pollution prevention through effective waste management strategies, including reducing the environmental impact of non-recoverable waste and promoting the responsible disposal of materials such as packaging, toner, and plastic.

Resource Efficiency

We are dedicated to the rational and sustainable use of natural resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, in all aspects of our business.

Employee Engagement

Our employees are a crucial resource in achieving our sustainability goals. We invest in ongoing training and awareness programs to empower our team to manage and control processes that contribute to our environmental objectives.

Continuos Improvement

We regularly review our processes and systems to identify new opportunities for enhancing our environmental and quality management.


We strive to create a positive environmental impact in everything we do.

We are committed to building partnerships that go beyond our internal operations.

We actively promote collaboration between our employees, clients, suppliers, and the community,
creating a unified effort to amplify our positive impact.

In this way, we can accelerate our progress and make sustainability an integral part of every
interaction and decision we make.

For us, sustainability is a commitment to our customers, our employees, and the planet.

Our Policy for Quality and Environment

Download our Policy for Quality and Environment

Green Solutions

Planting trees to support
agroforestry projects