
Heat Exchanger – Tube Bundle Maintenance

Specialized equipment for maintaining and servicing heat exchanger components. This includes robust systems for bundle extraction, lifting, and precise cleaning to ensure optimal heat exchanger performance. We also offer advanced tube-to-tubesheet orbital welding solutions, along with efficient tube insertion and pulling systems, all engineered to support precise, safe, and efficient maintenance in demanding industrial applications.



  • Bundle extraction and lifting

  • Bundle cleaning

  • Tube – tubesheet orbital welding

  • Tube insertion and pulling systems

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Our Successful Projects


North Safa Field Development Project

North Safa is an active conventional oil field situated in shallow waters off the coast of Egypt. Specifically located in the Northeast Ramadan Concession block, the field operates at a water depth of 217 feet. Anticipated to reach peak production by 2026, North Safa’s oil extraction will persist until it reaches its economic limit in 2041, as per economic projections.


Western desert Gas Complex Train

The expansion of Western Desert Gas Complex (WDGC) is located in El-Amreya, Alexandria, Egypt. Once operational, the new Train D will increase WDGC’s production capacity to 1.5 bcfd, up from the current 950 MMcfd, with a capacity of 600 MMcfd. This expansion will not only boost the supply of ethane-propane mixture for Egyptian petrochemical producers but also increase WDGC’s production of LPG and condensates for the local market.


PDH – Kallo Project

The upcoming propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant is set to be a major player, aiming for a production capacity of 750,000 metric tonnes per year, positioning it among the world’s largest and most efficient facilities. It is situated at an existing Borealis production site in Kallo, Belgium, chosen for its strategic logistical location and extensive experience in propylene production. Additionally, the selection aims to capitalize on synergies with the existing PDH unit. Utilizing Honeywell UOP’s Oleflex™ technology, known for its reliability and sustainability in propylene production, underscores the plant’s commitment to efficient and eco-friendly operations.

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