
Plant Waste Management

Efficient and sustainable waste handling solutions tailored to industrial environments. This selection includes specialized trailers for sludge, versatile tractors, loaders, and service vehicles designed for demanding waste management tasks. Additionally, we offer glass crushers, high-performance vertical and horizontal balers, and customizable skips in various colors and dimensions, providing adaptable solutions for effective waste reduction, recycling, and disposal.



  • Special trailers for sludge

  • Tractors, loaders and service vehicles

  • Glass crushers

  • Vertical and horizontal balers

  • Skips tailored in colors and dimensions

Our catalogue

Discover all our innovative solutions in one comprehensive catalogue.


Our Successful Projects


Ghana OCTP Development Project

The Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) project is a comprehensive endeavor focused on developing oil and natural gas reserves, specifically to meet the energy needs of Sub-Saharan Africa. Positioned off Ghana’s western coast, OCTP operates subsea wells and systems linked to the John Agyekum Kufuor Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit. In 2020, OCTP contributed over half of Ghana’s gas supply for thermal power generation.



Ain Tsila is a gas condensate field situated in the Illizi Basin, Algeria, located within the Isarene permit in Blocks 228 and 229a. The Ain Tsila field boasts reserves amounting to 2.1 trillion cubic feet of sales gas, alongside 67 million barrels of condensate and 108 million barrels of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Discovered in 2009 through the successful drilling of the Ain Tsila-1 well, this gas condensate field garnered significant recognition, ranking as the ninth-largest discovery globally for that year. Spanning an extensive area exceeding 1,000 square kilometers, Ain Tsila represents a substantial addition to the energy landscape.


Salina Cruz Refinery Delayed Coker Furnaces

PEMEX is investing in constructing two new coker plants at the Tula refinery and Salina Cruz refinery, scheduled to go online in 2024, to phase out fuel oil production. The Salina Cruz cracking refinery, located in Oaxaca, Mexico, is a non-integrated cracking facility owned by Petroleos Mexicanos. It commenced operations in 1979 and boasts a Nelson Complexity Index (NCI) of 8.1. Works on the Salina Cruz unit began in 2022. The plant is expected to contribute to the elimination of fuel oil and the increased production of ultra-low sulfur gasoline and diesel at the refinery.

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